

Hello, welcome to our blog, we hope you like it because we do.

Besides this, it will work as a learning tool, by practicing your english with writing, reading and listening exercises, and several videos to improve your hearing.

Then again, we hope you enjoy working on our blog and have fun.


NADYO team.(Nestor, Alex, Daniela, Yehosua, Octavio)

martes, 7 de diciembre de 2010


It's a small apartment in the fourth floor of a tall building, It is in Copilco and it's the number 404.
It has blue walls and a wooden door. There is a small kitchen with a refrigerator, a stove and a small microwave. Next to the kitchen there is a dinner roomfor four persons. The living room is located behind the dinner room and the kitchen.There are two sofas and a big t.v. In this house there are three bedrooms and betwen them there is a complete bathroom, and there are five people and a dog living there.